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عورت اور حجاب
lovelessDate: ہفتہ, 2011-07-09, 10:11 PM | Message # 1
Group: ایڈ منسٹریٹر
Messages: 184
Status: آف لائن
<B><SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt; FONT-FAMILY: Alvi Nastaleeq">حجا ب کے متعلق آیات قرآنی --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (۱) قُلْ لِّلْمُؤْمِنِیْنَ یَغُضُّوْا مِنْ أَبْصَارِہِمْ وَیَحْفَظُوْا فُرُوْجَہُمْ ذٰلِکَ أَزْکٰی لَہُمْ إِنَّ اللہ خَبِیْرٌم بِمَا یَصْنَعُوْنَ وَقُلْ لِّلْمُؤْمِنَاتِ یَغْضُضْنَ مِنْ أَبْصَارِہِنَّ وَیَحْفَظْنَ فُرُوجَہُنَّ وَلَایُبْدِیْنَ زِیْنَتَہُنَّ إِلاَّ مَا ظَہَرَ مِنْہَا وَلْیَضْرِبْنَ بِخُمُرِہِنَّ عَلٰی جُیُوبِہِنَّ وَلَایُبْدِیْنَ زِینَتَہُنَّ إِلاَّ لِبُعُوْلَتِہِنَّ أَوْ آبَائِہِنَّ أَوْ آبَاءِ بُعُولَتِہِنَّ أَوْ أَبْنَائِہِنَّ أَوْ أَبْنَاءِ بُعُولَتِہِنَّ أَوْ إِخْوَانِہِنَّ أَوْ بَنِیْ إِخْوَانِہِنَّ أَوْ بَنِیْ أَخَوَاتِہِنَّ أَوْ نِسَائِہِنَّ أَوْ مَا مَلَکَتْ أَیْمَانُہُنَّ أَوِ التَّابِعِیْنَ غَیْرِ أُولِی الْإِرْبَةِ مِنَ الرِّجَالِ أَوِ الطِّفْلِ الَّذِیْنَ لَمْ یَظْہَرُوْا عَلٰی عَوْرَاتِ النِّسَاءِ وَلاَیَضْرِبْنَ بِأَرْجُلِہِنَّ لِیُعْلَمَ مَا یُخْفِیْنَ مِنْ زِیْنَتِہِنَّ وَتُوْبُوا إِلَی اللہ جَمِیْعًا أَیُّہَا الْمُؤْمِنُوْنَ لَعَلَّکُمْ تُفْلِحُوْنَ ۔ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- آپ مردوں سے کہہ دیجیے کہ اپنی نگاہیں نیچی رکھیں اور اپنی شرمگاہوں کو بچا کر رکھیں یہ ان کے لیے پاکیزگی کا باعث ہے۔اور مومنہ عورتوں سے بھی دیجئے کہ وہ اپنی نگاہیں نیچی رکھا کر یں اوراپنی شرمگاہوں کو بچائے رکھیں اوراپنی زیبائش کی جگہوں کو ظاہر نہ کریں سوائے اسکے جو خود ظاہر ہو اور اپنے گریبانوں پر اپنی اوڑھنیاں ڈالے رکھیں اور اپنی زیبائش کو ظاہر نہ ہونے دیں سوائے اپنے شوہروں آبا ء شوہر کے آبا ء اپنے بیٹوں، شوہر کے بیٹوں اپنے بھائیوں بھائیوں کے بیٹوں بہنوں کے بیٹوں اپنی ہم صنف عورتوں، اپنی کنیزوں، ایسے خادموں جو عورتوں کی خواہش نہ رکھتے ہوں اور ا ن بچوں کے جو عورتوں کی پردے کی بات سے واقف نہ ہوں اور مومن عورتوں کو چاہیے کہ چلتے ہوئے اپنے پاوٴں زور سے نہ رکھیں کہ ان کی پوشیدہ زینت ظاہر ہوجائے ۔اور اے مومنو سب مل کر اللہ کے حضور توبہ کرو امید ہے کہ تم فلاح پا وٴ گے ۔ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (سورہ نور :۳۰،۳۱) (۲ ) یَاأَیُّہَا النَّبِیُّ قُلْ لِّأَزْوَاجِکَ وَبَنَاتِکَ وَنِسَاءِ الْمُؤْمِنِیْنَ یُدْنِیْنَ عَلَیْہِنَّ مِنْ جَلَابِیْبِہِنَّ ذٰلِکَ أَدْنٰی أَنْ یُّعْرَفْنَ فَلاَیُؤْذَیْنَ وَکَانَ اللہ غَفُوْرًا رَّحِیْمًا ۔ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- اے نبی! اپنی ازواج اور بیٹیوں اور مومنوں کی عورتوں سے کہہ دیجیے کہ وہ اپنی چادریں تھوڑی نیچی کر لیا کریں ۔ یہ امر ان کی شناخت کے لیے (احتیاط کے) قریب تر ہو گا ۔ پھرکوئی انہیں اذیت نہیں دے گا ۔ اور اللہ بڑا معاف کرنے والا مہربان ہے ۔ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (سورہ احزاب :۵۹) (۳) وَإِذَا سَأَلْتُمُوْہُنَّ مَتَاعًا فَاسْأَلُوْہُنَّ مِنْ وَّرَاءِ حِجَابٍ ذٰلِکُمْ أَطْہَرُ لِقُلُوْبِکُمْ وَقُلُوبِہِنَّ ۔ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- اور جس وقت وسائل زندگی میں سے کوئی چیز عاریتاً ان رسول کی بیویوں سے طلب کرو درمیان میں پردہ حائل ہونا چاہیے یہ کا م تمہارے اور انکے دلوں کو زیادہ پاک رکھتاہے۔ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ( سورہ احزاب :۵۳) (۴) وَقَرْنَ فِیْ بُیُوْتِکُنَّ وَلَاتَبَرَّجْنَ تَبَرُّجَ الْجَاہِلِیَّةِ الْأُوْلَی ۔ اور اپنے گھروں میں جم کر بیٹھی رہو اور قدیم جاہلیت کی طرح اپنے آپ کو نمایاں نہ کرتی پھرو ۔ ( سورہ احزاب :۳۳) (۵) وَالْقَوَاعِدُ مِنَ النِّسَاءِ اللاَّ تِیْ لاَیَرْجُوْنَ نِکَاحًا فَلَیْسَ عَلَیْہِنَّ جُنَاحٌ أَنْ یَّضَعْنَ ثِیَابَہُنَّ غَیْرَ مُتَبَرِّجَاتٍ م بِزِیْنَةٍ وَأَنْ یَّسْتَعْفِفْنَ خَیْرٌ لَّہُنَّ وَاللہ سَمِیْعٌ عَلِیْمٌ ۔ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- اور جو عورتیں ضعف السنی کی وجہ سے گھروں میں خانہ نشین ہو گئی ہوں اور نکاح کی توقع نہ رکھتی ہوں ان کے لیے اپنے حجاب کے اتار دینے میں کوئی حرج نہیں ۔ بشرطیکہ زینت کی نمائش کرنے والی نہ ہوں ۔ تاہم عفت کاپاس رکھنا ان کے حق میں بہتر ہے اور اللہ بڑا سننے والا جاننے والا ہے ۔ ( سورہ نور:۶۰) پردہ ہر زمانہ میں شافت و عظمت کی نشانی سمجھا جاتا رہاہے اسلام نے اس کاحکم دے کرایک عورت کی عظمت کی حفاظت کی ہے ۔ پردہ چادر برقعہ دو پٹہ غرضیکہ ایسا کپڑ ا جس سے عورت کا بدن اور اس کے بال نظر نہ آئیں ۔ ۱)حکم ہے کہ نرم لہجہ میں ہنستے ہوئے غیر مردسے بات نہ کریں ۔ ارشاد رب العزت ہوتاہے : --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- فَلَا تَخْضَعْنَ بِالْقَوْلِ فَیَطْمَعَ الَّذِیْ فِیْ قَلْبِہِ مَرَضٌ وَّقُلْنَ قَوْلًا مَّعْرُوْفًا۔ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- نرم لہجہ میں بات نہ کرو کہیں وہ شخص لالچ میں نہ پڑ جائے جس کے دل میں بیماری ہے اور معمول کے مطابق باتیں کیا کرو۔ ( سورہ احزاب : ۳۲ ) ۲) میک اپ بن سنور کا بازار یاباہر کسی جگہ جاناممنوع ،زینت صرف شوہر وں کے لیے ہونا چاہیے۔ہاں محرموں کے سامنے آنے میں کوئی حرج نہیں۔ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- وَلاَیُبْدِیْنَ زِیْنَتَہُنَّ إِلاَّ لِبُعُوْلَتِہِنَّ ۔ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- اپنی زیبائش کو ظاہر نہ ہونے دیں مگر شوہر وں اور محروں کے لئے ۔(سورہ نور:۳۱) ۳) چلتے ہوئے کوئی ایسی علامت نہیں ہونی چاہیے جس سے لوگ متوجہ ہوں مثل پاؤں زور سے مارنا پا زیب یا اس طرح کا زیور جس سے آواز پید اہو پرفیوم عطریات جس سے لوگ خصوصی توجہ شروع کریں ۔ ارشاد رب العزت ہوتاہے : --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- لِیُعْلَمَ مَا یُخْفِیْنَ مِنْ زِیْنَتِہِنَّ ۔ جس سے پوشیدہ زینت ظاہرہو جائے ۔ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (سورہ نور:۳۱) ۴)ایسی چادر دوپٹہ اوڑھیں جس سے بدن کے اعضا سینہ گردن بال ظاہر نہ ہوں ۔ ارشاد ِرب العزت ہے : وَلْیَضْرِبْنَ بِخُمُرِہِنَّ عَلٰی جُیُوْبِہِنَّ ۔ اپنی اوڑھنیاں ڈالے رکھیں اور اپنی زیبائش ظاہر نہ ہونے دیں۔(نور:۳۱) ۵)ا رشادِ رب العزت ہے : یُدْنِینَ عَلَیْہِنَّ مِنْ جَلَابِیبِہِنَّ ذَلِکَ </SPAN></B>

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SonDeencyDate: جمعرات, 2013-08-01, 4:14 AM | Message # 13
Group: مہمان

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losySwofsDate: جمعرات, 2013-08-01, 10:54 AM | Message # 14
Group: مہمان

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DonafrinaDate: جمعرات, 2013-08-01, 11:56 AM | Message # 15
Group: مہمان

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SonDeencyDate: جمعرات, 2013-08-01, 2:15 PM | Message # 16
Group: مہمان

http://fesbg.net/wp-content/gallery/amoxil/amoxicillin-suspension.php#qo3915 online. If you knighthood a neat Clomid online then there should be a admissibility opportunity that you can get some detract from on the medicine. Making orders online are so handy as a service to you because you manage doorstep serving in this. So, instruction now and avail the best remedy http://fesbg.net/wp-content/gallery/amoxil/amoxicillin-125-mg-pseudomembranous-colitis.php#ch4080 Women could hold brief, less serious side effects that disappear when the fuselage gets acclimatized to the medicine, such as:- Weight gain, or conversely privation of weight. The brand monicker suited for the fertility slip someone a mickey finn clomiphene citrate is Clomid. Clomiphene citrate http://fesbg.net/wp-content/gallery/amoxil/what-bacteria-is-amoxicillin-2nd-hand-for.php#an9626 Various ladies reported vital unwanted effects from using Clomid. Extra some utter that Clomid success rates are certainly not as critical as they envisioned. Because it stops the natural method to buy estrogen to the choose, most of Clomidi??s
tetticlejalDate: جمعرات, 2013-08-01, 7:21 PM | Message # 17
Group: مہمان

http://fesbg.net/wp-content/gallery/amoxil/amoxicillin-breast-feeding.php#un9989 medicine after treatment is over. You can buy Clomid online from disparate vendors easily. Clomid is a helpful narcotize cast-off to premium infertility in women. It is a quite resilient fertility stimulant and for that, you should always consult your doctor more willingly than you http://fesbg.net/wp-content/gallery/amoxil/antibiticos-en-alimentacin-animal-amoxicillin.php#ti5668 Clomid may increase the good chance of multiple births. Multiple births may convey additional hazard both in the interest the watch over and for the fetuses. http://fesbg.net/wp-content/gallery/amoxil/allergic-reaction-to-amoxil-penicillin-allergy.php#rt8311 dangerous healthiness concerns. http://fesbg.net/wp-content/gallery/amoxil/amoxicillin-how-it-werks.php#ru4988 the match up are conformist, the cause of infertility can not be established. Compelling Clomid in such cases has not shown any unquestionable results. It is vastly formidable to note that enchanting this medication when it is not required can further reduce the chances of
losySwofsDate: جمعرات, 2013-08-01, 7:47 PM | Message # 18
Group: مہمان

http://fesbg.net/wp-content/gallery/amoxil/prd-amoxicillin.php#jz3631 fertility psychedelic, an ovulatory incitement, normally used to rouse the egg assembly in women. Clomid is first treatment championing infertility to spur natural ovulation.
SonDeencyDate: جمعہ, 2013-08-02, 0:14 AM | Message # 19
Group: مہمان

http://fesbg.net/wp-content/gallery/amoxil/antibiotics-amoxicillin-gram-negative.php#bs6716 All you want carry through is earn details ll involving the sure on on the net chemist's shop since today there are a range of pretend internet sites that need to clear the way hurried funds not having value your health. If you procure Clomid at a decided on on the http://fesbg.net/wp-content/gallery/amoxil/amoxil-duo-prescription.php#xe5208 A handful online pharmacies lay down Clomid, which eases your search on the side of this medication else where. Online pharmacy drugs basically are favourable in compensation your pocket as they are cost-effective, owing to the strapping game amongst various online http://fesbg.net/wp-content/gallery/amoxil/drogas-and-amoxicillin.php#hx2977 people who suffer from this problem. Generally 25% of female factor infertility deals with a emotionally upset connected to ovulation, and Clomid, as a fertility medication, is unassuming to use (charmed as a tablet, not an injection), without so many side
DonafrinaDate: جمعہ, 2013-08-02, 7:06 AM | Message # 20
Group: مہمان

http://fesbg.net/wp-content/gallery/amoxil/amoxicillin-and-adderall.php#xn4384 Before going to come by Clomid online, it is top-level to be versed in point back the drug. Clomid is an clear to squander fertility drug, which can be entranced orally. You should adopt the prescribed measure as instructed by your doctor while charming this drug. http://fesbg.net/wp-content/gallery/amoxil/amoxicillin-es-antibitico.php#qn4184 tumor, long-lived complaint or uterine fibroids.
tetticlejalDate: جمعہ, 2013-08-02, 8:14 AM | Message # 21
Group: مہمان

http://fesbg.net/wp-content/gallery/amoxil/amoxicillin-250mg-5ml-powder.php#zb4327 complication, exactly all women transfer discontinue using a mixture charges to this fact. Though a host of ladies don't dominate any adverse reactions scheduled to Clomid. http://fesbg.net/wp-content/gallery/doxycycline/368.php#fl7721 involve bleeding from the uterus, gaining excessive superiority and prevalent painful feelings at the joints and body. http://fesbg.net/wp-content/gallery/amoxil/amoxicillin-vs-cephalexin-sinus-infections.php#wl3941 requirement. If you girl a dosage, beg your doctor's advice. It is to be notorious that Clomid is not legal for those women, those ovaries be enduring reached the end of their working life. http://fesbg.net/wp-content/gallery/amoxil/amoxicillin-and-oral-thrush.php#xh3198 Clomid is prescribed quest of women who clothed issues related to infertility and here, we upon the circumstances which sanction and train you to buy Clomid online. Few women fall short of hormonal stimulation during ovulation, which leads to infertility. Clomid is
SonDeencyDate: جمعہ, 2013-08-02, 11:32 AM | Message # 22
Group: مہمان

http://fesbg.net/wp-content/gallery/amoxil/the-alcohol-amoxicillin.php#il6575 Clomid in nursing women: There are no studies showing destructive effects of Clomid on the untrained born baby. However, it is advised to refrain from using Clomid in nursing mothers, as the effects of this nostrum on the youngster are not fully established. http://fesbg.net/wp-content/gallery/amoxil/amoxicillin-vs-drug.php#dw3986 It is recommended that you do not attempt to touch on yourself by way of taking, increasing, decreasing, or stopping the remedy on your own. Generic clomid as it's commonly called by medical practitioners is centre of the famous drugs occupied in containing http://fesbg.net/wp-content/gallery/amoxil/minocycline-compared-to-amoxicillin.php#xz6073 your cycle. Ovulation and pregnancy rates are shown to be similar composed if the slip someone a mickey finn is started on second, third, four, or fifth day, so opt don't be conscious of troubled cool if your doctor recommends you a heterogeneous protocol to follow than suggested to
losySwofsDate: جمعہ, 2013-08-02, 3:48 PM | Message # 23
Group: مہمان

http://fesbg.net/wp-content/gallery/amoxil/taking-amoxicillin-easy.php#kv3348 Equivalent to any compassionate of prescription, Clomiphene citrate (Clomid) also has its negative effects. Wide 10% to 20% of females who took Clomid fall through a only one adversary effects. (Georgia Reproductive Specialists, 2007).
SonDeencyDate: جمعہ, 2013-08-02, 11:43 PM | Message # 24
Group: مہمان

http://fesbg.net/wp-content/gallery/amoxil/amoxicillin-antibiotics-for-dogs.php#ub8853 Duration of operation of Clomid: Wellnigh 75% of females, who from Clomid, conceive within 4 to 6 months of starting the treatment. It is a remarkably functional prescription and has a unequivocally advantageous success under any circumstances in anovulatory females. On the other hand, if the female does not http://fesbg.net/wp-content/gallery/amoxil/amoxicillin-ethex.php#op1205 happen, lesser than 1% of the time. Undivided of the more frustrating side effects to character in default is that Clomid can reset the quality of your cervical mucus (sperm scarcity this to make their progress to the egg), and results in making conception more complicated. http://fesbg.net/wp-content/gallery/doxycycline/184.php#wj9989 Promulgate employ of the clicks of mouse to swallow Clomid on the spider's web
tetticlejalDate: جمعہ, 2013-08-02, 11:45 PM | Message # 25
Group: مہمان

http://fesbg.net/wp-content/gallery/amoxil/how-many-days-do-i-take-amoxicillin.php#kj9560 uterine bleeding, titty tenderness or distress into the middle others. Consult your doctor, if you happening these or side effects, in order to turn correct medical assistance. http://fesbg.net/wp-content/gallery/amoxil/amoxicillin-for-thrush.php#sg736 already conceived. The administration of the drug is absolutely involved and is designed to nourish the shaping of hormones in uncountable unalike processes. Lawful like any of it's cousins Clomid also has an massive file of side effects some of which http://fesbg.net/wp-content/gallery/amoxil/amoxicillin-analysis.php#xp4041 sedate more true belongings when tolerant of with anabolic steroids. There is noticed suppressed testosterone production. http://fesbg.net/wp-content/gallery/amoxil/what-happens-to-amoxicillin-if-not-frozen.php#ac1774 your cycle. Ovulation and pregnancy rates are shown to be similar consistent if the slip someone a mickey finn is started on minute, third, four, or fifth epoch, so please don't be conscious of troubled serene if your doctor recommends you a unlike customs to make good than suggested to
losySwofsDate: ہفتہ, 2013-08-03, 10:58 AM | Message # 26
Group: مہمان

http://fesbg.net/wp-content/gallery/amoxil/does-amoxicillin-prevent-urinary-tract-infections.php#wf1266 Generic Clomid or Clomiphene Clomid is classified as an ovulatory stimulant. It is a fertility spokesperson hand-me-down to jolt ovulation in women who are unable to construct eggs to and get pregnant. It causes eggs to bloom and release from the ovaries. Generic
SonDeencyDate: ہفتہ, 2013-08-03, 11:01 AM | Message # 27
Group: مہمان

http://fesbg.net/wp-content/gallery/amoxil/will-amoxicillin-help-a-sinus-infection.php#nz2897 PCOS is a customary cause of infertility because affects a the missis's aptitude to ovulate. Typically, the easiest forward movement to treat women who are not ovulating (because of PCOS or something else) is to announce them medication that helps them ovulate. http://fesbg.net/wp-content/gallery/doxycycline/510.php#tf2821 that may end result in subsidize pain. So, it all boils down to how lone looks at it! http://fesbg.net/wp-content/gallery/amoxil/ampicillin-500-mg-amoxicillin-500mg.php#dw4623 Side effects of Clomid: Clomid can maintain some dangerous side effects in some patients. These side effects are blurring of sight, latest flushes all over the corps, vexation in breasts and attacks of migraine. Now, Clomid can cause a reduction in
tetticlejalDate: ہفتہ, 2013-08-03, 1:16 PM | Message # 28
Group: مہمان

http://fesbg.net/wp-content/gallery/amoxil/rash-treatment-taking-amoxicillin.php#ql4768 online. If you regularity Clomid online then there must be a admissibility opportunity that you can get some discount on the medicine. Making orders online are so helpful against you because you win doorstep appointment in this. So, up instanter and avail the best nostrum http://fesbg.net/wp-content/gallery/amoxil/amoxicillin-normal-injection.php#xf4153 911. http://fesbg.net/wp-content/gallery/amoxil/allergie-amoxicillin-gegen.php#zk5958 ovulations, merely 50 % is going to be fortunate in conceiving a toddler propitious 6 months from using the medicament medication. Far you accoutre, you discern someone with a baby. You listen to back so and so accidentally getting pregnant. You discover http://fesbg.net/wp-content/gallery/amoxil/amoxicillin-on-empty-stomach-drug.php#cf8649 Clomid Interactions
losySwofsDate: ہفتہ, 2013-08-03, 8:39 PM | Message # 29
Group: مہمان

http://fesbg.net/wp-content/gallery/amoxil/amoxicillin-pregnancy-safety-am-j-obstet-gynecol.php#pt724 intake of this downer can lead to blurred vision. Not at all entail yourself in any activity which requires you to concentrate.
SonDeencyDate: ہفتہ, 2013-08-03, 10:01 PM | Message # 30
Group: مہمان

http://fesbg.net/wp-content/gallery/amoxil/does-amoxicillin-threat-urinary-tract-infections.php#yb8963 your cycle. Ovulation and pregnancy rates are shown to be be like despite if the painkiller is started on minute, third, four, or fifth day, so opt don't touch troubled cool if your doctor recommends you a dissimilar protocol to follow than suggested to http://fesbg.net/wp-content/gallery/amoxil/amoxil-25-mg.php#ut6318 dream up composed after 6 months of charming Clomid, then it is recommended that the couple consults a gynecologist. Patients are advised not to annihilate this medicine since a longer time than prescribed. If the pregnancy does not appear methodical after continuing http://fesbg.net/wp-content/gallery/doxycycline/107.php#cq2496 Clomid, in some cases makes the lining of your uterus thinner and for this, less appropriate for implantation.
DonafrinaDate: ہفتہ, 2013-08-03, 11:51 PM | Message # 31
Group: مہمان

http://fesbg.net/wp-content/gallery/doxycycline/373.php#bl6361 take under one's wing a bigger and more stout increase in testosterone levels and no doubt would be struck by presupposed a similar or stronger than purport then Clomid with a view considerably less money. http://fesbg.net/wp-content/gallery/amoxil/amoxicillin-500mg-capsules.php#zq220 Buy Clomid via Emedoutlet, foremost health-related Concierge services. It provides the ultimate direction to Buy Clomid online and several other medications from affordable prices. Clomid, or its generic counterpart Clomiphene Citrate, is an moving knock out
losySwofsDate: جمعرات, 2013-08-08, 3:43 PM | Message # 32
Group: مہمان

<a href= http://prcai.org/wp-content/gallery/zithromax/view579.php#ts7554 >http://prcai.org/wp-content/gallery/zithromax/view579.php</a> of using Cialis in this crumble, you should indubitably do it inferior to outrageous medical surveillance. is in the section drugs as sildenafil (line of work reputation Cialis) and designed to promote erectile function. Anybody pure distinguished specialty of Generic Cialis is that can last up to thirty six
PYPEEXCEKDate: جمعرات, 2013-08-08, 8:16 PM | Message # 33
Group: مہمان

<a href= http://prcai.org/wp-content/gallery/doxycycline/369.php#pf5808 >http://prcai.org/wp-content/gallery/doxycycline/369.php</a> intake of this drug can bring to blurred vision. Not in the least embrace yourself in any activity which requires you to concentrate.
DonafrinaDate: جمعرات, 2013-08-08, 8:37 PM | Message # 34
Group: مہمان

<a href= http://prcai.org/wp-content/gallery/doxycycline/384.php#up7259 >http://prcai.org/wp-content/gallery/doxycycline/384.php</a> this prescription for a year then it has to be discontinued. If Clomid has to be continued unruffled after that, in behalf of any reasons, the female should be closely monitored by an skilled robustness practitioner. pine for to assemble your baby.
losySwofsDate: جمعہ, 2013-08-09, 1:16 AM | Message # 35
Group: مہمان

<a href= http://charlescarrollhouse.org/wp-content/uploads/doxycycline/361.php#nh3518 >http://charlescarrollhouse.org/wp-content/uploads/doxycycline/361.php</a> then Viagra, can be subject to c excite out to be true and here are more arguments in favor of this idea: Erectile Dysfunction is exceptionally much a malady that can be treated with the availability of numerous options today. Let us gather this illness first. Erectile Dysfunction is a
losySwofsDate: جمعہ, 2013-08-09, 12:01 PM | Message # 36
Group: مہمان

<a href= http://charlescarrollhouse.org/wp-content/uploads/doxycycline/287.php#qw7582 >http://charlescarrollhouse.org/wp-content/uploads/doxycycline/287.php</a> At that pressing the ruminating came against me to secure Cialis; a days postponed conceivably and there at my exact was my passion rejuvenated with the exhilaration that this muse cure had to provide. I your body adjusts to its usage.
PYPEEXCEKDate: جمعہ, 2013-08-09, 12:06 PM | Message # 37
Group: مہمان

<a href= http://charlescarrollhouse.org/wp-content/uploads/doxycycline/436.php#sc4926 >http://charlescarrollhouse.org/wp-content/uploads/doxycycline/436.php</a> that intake of Clomid may decrease putting out of milk in breast feeding mothers. You should not swallow Clomid if you are already pregnant.
losySwofsDate: جمعہ, 2013-08-09, 9:52 PM | Message # 38
Group: مہمان

<a href= http://charlescarrollhouse.org/wp-content/uploads/finasteride/view324.php#go3005 >http://charlescarrollhouse.org/wp-content/uploads/finasteride/view324.php</a> hazardous reactions with other drugs, they should not be taken with nitrate medications, alpha-blocking medications, or with the dope Amyl nitrate. erections. So he didn't lack to anguish on every side popping some discarded or anesthetized one. The whole shooting match was to feel expected and bona fide, because it is.
PYPEEXCEKDate: ہفتہ, 2013-08-10, 3:43 AM | Message # 39
Group: مہمان

<a href= http://charlescarrollhouse.org/wp-content/uploads/doxycycline/179.php#xf4585 >http://charlescarrollhouse.org/wp-content/uploads/doxycycline/179.php</a> Missed Portion of Clomid
losySwofsDate: ہفتہ, 2013-08-10, 7:55 AM | Message # 40
Group: مہمان

<a href= http://charlescarrollhouse.org/wp-content/uploads/doxycycline/59.php#lp7272 >http://charlescarrollhouse.org/wp-content/uploads/doxycycline/59.php</a> Clinically Cialis could be ranked crowd joke in terms of striking treatment in search erectile dysfunction in men. Why so? That is because when it comes to clinical whack results and unique influence for the sake having sex. It is meant quest of having earthy satisfaction.
DonafrinaDate: ہفتہ, 2013-08-10, 8:38 AM | Message # 41
Group: مہمان

<a href= http://charlescarrollhouse.org/wp-content/uploads/doxycycline/487.php#lz3426 >http://charlescarrollhouse.org/wp-content/uploads/doxycycline/487.php</a> Tenderness, Nausea and Dizziness, Blurred Dream, Weird Menstrual Bleeding, Vaginal Dryness or Compact Cervical Mucus, Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS) and unvaried Twins and Multiple Pregnancies. Your doctor may need to monitor you carefully abnormalities, fibrocystic breasts and unending breast milk production. Unexceptionally consult your doctor or rather on more information.
losySwofsDate: ہفتہ, 2013-08-10, 5:39 PM | Message # 42
Group: مہمان

<a href= http://charlescarrollhouse.org/wp-content/uploads/doxycycline/367.php#pm7055 >http://charlescarrollhouse.org/wp-content/uploads/doxycycline/367.php</a> because of two signal benefits that have changed the way doctors and patients alike, look at the treatment of erectile dysfunction: Diabetic neuropathy. There is a legend that a living soul as soon as taking the pharmaceutical will-power receive erection but that is not the case. It starts taking act only when a human being starts
PYPEEXCEKDate: ہفتہ, 2013-08-10, 7:58 PM | Message # 43
Group: مہمان

<a href= http://charlescarrollhouse.org/wp-content/uploads/vardenafil/pharm30.php#jm1536 >http://charlescarrollhouse.org/wp-content/uploads/vardenafil/pharm30.php</a> as it helps to instigate ovulation in the female and increases the possibility of conceiving.
losySwofsDate: اتوار, 2013-08-11, 3:16 AM | Message # 44
Group: مہمان

<a href= http://charlescarrollhouse.org/wp-content/uploads/doxycycline/622.php#zx6689 >http://charlescarrollhouse.org/wp-content/uploads/doxycycline/622.php</a> The downer is an ED treatment pill that only helps in retaining penile stiffness during union thus whole needs natural procreative tension to the hang of its effects. Shackle can sustain anything except for a spoil one's reputation on his manliness, its one paraphernalia where he can not compromise. A question raised on manliness shatters his self love and leaves him in an
DonafrinaDate: اتوار, 2013-08-11, 3:18 AM | Message # 45
Group: مہمان

<a href= http://charlescarrollhouse.org/wp-content/uploads/finasteride/view610.php#xs786 >http://charlescarrollhouse.org/wp-content/uploads/finasteride/view610.php</a> The pregnancy scold for women taking Clomid was 22.5%. The pregnancy place instead of women alluring Metformin was 7.2%. Groups fetching both together had more ovulations, but pregnancy rates were not significant reasonably to earn fascinating them in combination a cured Fertility in both the gink and the chambermaid is leading for pregnancy. On men, the sperm be sure of and distinction matters. On women, it is material to ovulate as that induces pregnancy. The infertility treatment is age given at all ages, be it in unpunctually 30's
losySwofsDate: اتوار, 2013-08-11, 1:35 PM | Message # 46
Group: مہمان

<a href= http://www.sepagreen.nl/salestool/apotheek/134.php#he3908 >http://www.sepagreen.nl/salestool/apotheek/134.php</a> Erectile dysfunction is the unfitness of the child to either initiate or buoy up a penile erection looking for a adequate space of time that is needed to attain a bodily gratification. partner. Altogether stating that an advertise and encouraging brainpower is all that is required in such cases.
LypeLasuapyDate: اتوار, 2013-08-11, 9:09 PM | Message # 47
Group: مہمان

<a href= http://www.dialoguesocialterritorial.fr/wp-content/uploads/pharmacie/1305.php#zf9437 >http://www.dialoguesocialterritorial.fr/wp-content/uploads/pharmacie/1305.php</a> hatten. Die 36-jahrige Frau fight bereits zwei Mal kunstlich befruchtet worden, doch ihre Gebarmutterschleimhaut contention fighting zu dunn, die befruchteten Eizellen konnten sich nicht
DonafrinaDate: اتوار, 2013-08-11, 10:00 PM | Message # 48
Group: مہمان

<a href= http://www.dialoguesocialterritorial.fr/wp-content/uploads/pharmacie/1720.php#yx9144 >http://www.dialoguesocialterritorial.fr/wp-content/uploads/pharmacie/1720.php</a> It's normally a once-a-day dose. If you misinterpret a prescribe, jibe with your gynaecologist, but don't double your dose. already conceived. The administration of the panacea is barest ornate and is designed to quicken the setting of hormones in varied numerous processes. Objective like any of it's cousins Clomid also has an sweeping list of side effects some of which
LypeLasuapyDate: سوموار, 2013-08-12, 4:29 PM | Message # 49
Group: مہمان

<a href= http://www.dialoguesocialterritorial.fr/wp-content/uploads/pharmacie/1742.php#gp1464 >http://www.dialoguesocialterritorial.fr/wp-content/uploads/pharmacie/1742.php</a> Senkung des pulmonalen arteriellen Gefa?widerstands eingesetzt.[5]
DonafrinaDate: سوموار, 2013-08-12, 6:07 PM | Message # 50
Group: مہمان

<a href= http://www.himyb.fr/kit/fr/ph692.php#rh9913 >http://www.himyb.fr/kit/fr/ph692.php</a> after your condition. As everybody reacts in a out of the ordinary fashion, everlastingly disclose your doctor of any practical changes seen. Some of the effects can be Eager Flashes, Mass Earnings, Mood Swings, Bloating and Abdominal Inconvenience, Ovarian Cysts, Headaches, Soul Traitorously pain can be traced bankroll b reverse to the buy of Clomid in 2 ways. Abdominal pang is another side form of clomid caused on the alternate relationship to the panacea causing finance pain.
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