Islamic Names for Boys
Islamic Names for Boys
Islamic Names for Boys
1 - Aban ابان : Old Arabic name
2 - Abbas عباس : Description of a lion
3 - Abbud عبد : Worshipper
4 - Abbudin عبدودین : Worshippers
5 - Abdul, Abdel عبدل : Servant (of Allah)
6 - Abdul Alim عبد العلیم : Servant of the Omniscient
7 - Abdul Aliyy عبد العلی : Servant of the Most High
8 - Abdul Azim عبد العظیم : Servant of the Mighty
9 - Abdul Aziz عبد العزیز : Servant of the Powerful One
10 - Abdul Bari عبد الباری : Servant of the Creator
11 - Abdul Basit عبد الباسط : Servant of the Extender
12 - Abdul Fattah عبد الفتاح : Servant of the Opener (of the gates of sustenance)
13 - Abdul Ghaffar عبد الغفار : Servant of the Forgiver
14 - Abdul Ghafur عبد الغفور : Servant of the Forgiver
15 - Abdul Hadi عبد الہادی : Servant of the Guide
16 - Abdul Hafiz عبد الحفیظ : Servant of the Protector
17 - Abdul Hakam عبد الحکم : Servant of the Arbitrator
18 - Abdul Hakim عبد الحکیم : Servant of the Wise One
19 - Abdul Halim عبد الحلیم : Servant of the Mild, Patient One
20 - Abdul Hamid عبد الحامد : Servant of the Praised One
21 - Abdul Haqq عبد الحق : Servant of the Truth
22 - Abdul Hasib عبد الحسیب : Servant of the Respected, Esteemed
23 - Abdul Jabbar عبد الجبار : Servant of the Mighty
24 - Abdul Jalil عبد الجلیل : Servant of the Great, Revered One
25 - Abdul Karim عبد الکریم : Servant of the Noble, Generous One
26 - Abdul Khaliq عبد الخالق : Servant of the Creator
27 - Abdul Latif عبد اللطیف : Servant of the Kind One
28 - Abdul Malik عبد الملک : Servant of the Master (or King)
29 - Abdul Majid عبد المجید : Servant of the Glorious One
30 - Abdul Matin عبد المتین : Servant of the Firm, Strong
31 - Abdul Muhaimin عبد المحیمن : Servant of the Supervising, the Guardian, the Protector
32 - Abdul Mu'izz عبد المعز : Servant of the Giver of Might and Glory
33 - Abdul Mujib عبد المجیب : Servant of the Responder
34 - Abdul Muta'al عبد المتعال : Servant of the Most High
35 - Abdul Nasser عبد الناصر : Servant of the Victorious One
36 - Abdul Nasir عبد الناصر : Servant of the Helper, Protector
37 - Abdul Qadir عبد القادر : Servant of the Capable, Powerful
38 - Abdul Qahhar عبد القہار : Servant of the Subduer, the Almighty
39 - Abdul Quddus عبد القدوس : Servant of the Most Holy
40 - Abdul Rafi عبد الرافی : Servant of the One Who Raises, Elevates (intellect, esteem)
41 - Abdul Rahim عبد الرحیم : Servant of the Most Compassionate One
42 - Abdul Rahman عبد الرحمن : Servant of the Merciful One
43 - Abdul Rashid عبد الرشید : Servant of the Rightly Guided One
44 - Abdul Ra'uf عبد الرؤوف : Servant of the Most Merciful
45 - Abdul Razzaq عبد الرزاق : Servant of the Maintainer, the Provider
Names and Meanings
Names and Their Meanings
46 - Abdul Sabur عبد الصبور : Servant of the Patient
47 - Abdul Salam عبد السلام : Servant of the Peace
48 - Abdul Samad عبد الصمد : Servant of the Eternal
49 - Abdul Sami عبد السمیع : Servant of the All-Hearing
50 - Abdul Shakur عبد الشکور : Servant of the Most Thankful
51 - Abdul Tawwab عبد التواب : Servant of the Forgiver
52 - Abdul Wadud عبد الودود : Servant of the Loving
53 - Abdul Wahhab عبد الوہاب : Servant of the Giver
54 - Abdul Wahid عبد الواحد : Servant of the One
55 - Abdullah عبد اللہ : Servant of God
56 - Abu Bakr ابو بکر : Name of one of Muhammad's companions
57 - Abu al Khayr ابو الخیر : One who does good
58 - Adel عادل : Just
59 - Adham ادم : Black
60 - Adnan عدنان : Proper name
61 - Afif, Afeef عفیف : Chaste, modest
62 - Ahmad, Ahmed احمد : Most highly adored, or most praised; variation of the name "Muhammad"
63 - Akil عاقل : Intelligent, thoughtful, one who uses reason
64 - Akram اکرم : Most generous
65 - Ala' علا : Nobility
66 - Aladdin علاء الدین : Nobility of faith
67 - Ali, Aliyy علی : The highest, greatest, excellent, noble
68 - Alim عالم : Wise or learned
69 - Altair الطائر : The flying eagle
70 - Amid امید : General
71 - Amin, Ameen امین : Faithful, trustworthy
72 - Amir, Ameer امیر : Prince
73 - Amjad امجد : More glorious
74 - Ammar عمار : Builder, constructor
75 - Amr عمر : Old Arabic name
76 - Anis انیس : Close friend
77 - Anwar انوار : Light
78 - Arfan عرفان : Gratitude
79 - Arif عارف : Corporal; acquainted, knowledgeable
80 - Asad اسد : Lion
اسلامی نام اور ان کے معنی
اسلامی نام اور ان کے معنی
152 حسن (Hassan):
خوبصورت، دلکش (Beautiful, handsome)
153 حاتم (Hatim):
منصف (Judge)
154 ہیثم (Haytham):
نوجوان باز (Young hawk)
155 ہلال (Hilal):
چاند (Moon)
156 ہلیل (Hilel):
نیا چاند (The new moon)
157 ہشام (Hisham):
سخاوت (Generosity)
158 ہود (Hud):
ایک نبی کا نام (A Prophet's name)
159 حذیفہ (Hudhayfah):
پرانا عربی نام (Old Arabic name)
160 ہمام (Humam):
بہادر، سخی (Courageous, generous)
161 حسین (Husain, Hussein):
خوبصورت؛ حسین نبی محمد ﷺ کے خاندان سے تعلق رکھتے تھے (Little beauty; Hussein was a descendent of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh))
162 حسام (Husam):
تلوار (Sword)
163 حسام الدین (Husam al Din):
دین کی تلوار (Sword of the faith)
164 حسین (Husayn):
خوبصورت (Beautiful)
165 ابراہیم (Ibrahim):
بہت سے لوگوں کا باپ؛ ایک نبی کا نام (Father of a multitude; a Prophet's name (Abraham))
166 ادریس (Idris):
ایک نبی کا نام (A Prophet's name)
167 احسان (Ihsan):
احسان، بھلائی (Beneficence)
168 عماد (Imad):
سہارا، ستون (Support, pillar)
169 عماد الدین (Imad al Din):
دین کا ستون (Pillar of the faith)
170 عمران (Imran):
ایک نبی کا نام (A Prophet's name)